Just completed CRUX 2.4 install - Great!
Dear all: I just completed CRUX 2.4 installation on a Lenovo laptop T61 that I bought with a pre-installed Suse distribution. Despite the painful kernel configuration process (totally unrelated to CRUX), I very much like the "keep it simple" that, as I see it, positions CRUX as simpler than Gentoo, but much more convenient than "Linux from scratch". I don't have much experience with Linux internals or installation, and CRUX offered me a very interesting learning tactic by starting with the fundamentals (which are lost in tons of details in full-fledged distributions). Many thanks to everyone contributing! Just a small annoyance to report: when first installing a non-root user, "man passwd" returned the man page for the openssl passwd sub-command, so I was under the impression that the passwd utility was absent from the core. I managed to do "usermod -p $(openssl passwd -1) john_doe" to set up the password. Is this worth a fix for next release? Regards, -- - Thierry Moreau CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc. 9130 Place de Montgolfier Montreal, Qc Canada H2M 2A1 Tel.: (514)385-5691 Fax: (514)385-5900 web site: http://www.connotech.com e-mail: thierry.moreau@connotech.com
participants (1)
Thierry Moreau