CruxEX (CRUX 3.2) live CD/USB with kernel 4.5.1-cruxex and Nvidia Graphics driver 361.42 pre-installed
Hi, I have made yet another version of CruxEX <>. ################################################ *CruxEX 3.2 64 bit Linux Live CD/USB* is based on CRUX <> 3.2 (latest version, released 151123). CruxEX 3.2 2016 uses the LXDE <> Desktop environment. I have replaced the original CRUX kernel with “my” special kernel *4.5.1-cruxex*, with support for “extra everything”. *NEWS 160414* CruxEX 2016 is distributed both as an ISO file and a Zip file. Install my new version of CruxEX 3.2 64bit from 160414 to a USB Pen Drive and *save your system changes* – read this INSTRUCTION <>. If you later on decide you want to install CruxEX to hard drive from the USB Pen Drive all your system changes will also be installed to the hard drive. Or burn the ISO file to a CD and run CruxEX live the “normal” way. Mainly the ISO file is for all of you who like to run and test Linux systems in VirtualBox <> (before installing the systems to hard drive). See a screenshot of the LXDE Desktop <> Study ALL installed packages <> *READ MORE... <>*################################################* <>*C A Exton* <>***Exton Linux | Live Systems* <> <>*
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C A Exton