On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 09:37:09PM +0200, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
i wrote: |i wrote: ||Oh please, no effort at all, really. | |and that turns out to be a problem and one will really verify |further upstream updates instead of only tracking, glancing over, |recompiling and creating a patch. The --chuid state as of [3.2] |is broken, i'm sorry for that. Find attached a new diff that |updates to Debian [master] (it has been tagged in the meanwhile, |too). Sorry.
It is still not in and [3.2] is still broken. I really go through the purgatory, according to dict.cc, but in German it's even worse... Thanks for your consideration, until then i use a powerful all-wheel-drive to dig the hole faster. ;}
Sorry, I was a bit busy with vacation the last weeks, but now I'm back at work and the brand-new version 20150921 is in 3.2 ;) Thanks again, Juergen