Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in <>: ... |So i went to yesterday and saw that 4.14 is EOL in |January 2020 i think, whereas 4.19 will be at the end of 2020. |Thus my question: if i spend time now to get myself going with |a 4.19 kernel (strip it down etc.), will i land nicely together |with CRUX 3.5, or do you continue with 4.14, or even step to 5? |You know, i had a best-fit kernel years ago, but this damn thing |develops so fast, and i am not really looking towards their |progress, as it really is overwhelming... and am not subscribed to |any "secondary consumers" where you hear the one thing or the |other either. | |Do you have some advice here? Thanks in advance. So i am scrolling through the IRC logs on and see that a 3.5 test ISO has landed just these days! Cool!! Unfortunately there is no URL, and the reference to 3rd of March when there seems to have been a first test ISO does not mention one either. Could someone please post an URL to that ISO, please? P.S.: 3.5 on the way, what a nice coincidence!! I was thinking about using the updated ISO, but being able to go 3.5 directly is even better! Ciao. --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)