No! Per's retired! It reminds me of when Michael Jordan stopped playing
basketball. Hmmm, maybe Per will make a comeback in that case, and wear
number 45 too! :)
Fare thee well Per, and thanks again for such a kickarse distro! :D
Good Day!
The new concept of is really nice!
It's worth to say I like it!
Few problems:
1) there is a strange url handling problem with Timeline in Opera (other
browsers?). Link falls to http:////, and I have to
remove two extra slashes to get into.
2) There in no link to Bug Killer from mainpage.
That was a real advantage of trac, when I could stress a bug very quickly
Originally Johannes Winkelmann wrote:
> In the future, we'd like to allow bug reports against ports in contrib
> to collect known issues in one place. I'd therefore appreciate if you
> could register an account at; please
> use the same name there as you list in the Pkgfiles' maintainer line.
> Also note that we'll have to enable your account to allow creating
> tickets etc., we'll check for new accounts frequently during the first
> couple of days, however feel free to send me a note when you created
> your account to have it enabled ASAP.
> We're planning to make this a requirement for contrib; if you find this
> inappropriate, please speak up.
Very reasonable.
> Thanks, Johannes
Thanks to you guys for the work you do!
Oleksiy V. Khilkevich [GRIM-UANIC] [GRIM-RIPE]
Please avoid sending me Word, Excel or PowerPoint attachments.
Use plain text, HTML or PDF instead.
Hi all,
As some of you certainly have realized got a facelift.
Instead of the previous all-in-one solution with trac, we now have
separate components for the wiki (wikka), bug tracking (flyspray) and
subversion web interface (svnweb).
There are two reasons why we wanted to do that change: first, we'll get
more powerful components for the wiki and bug tracking, and second it
will allow us to upgrade (or even exchange) individual components
without taking the site completely down.
Note that we now require reporters in the bug tracking to create
accounts: unfortunately some anonymous reporter repeatedly submitted
invalid reports (which was the trigger for this whole switch BTW), and
we just had it. Registration is open to everyone though.
While a number of us was actively helping to do the migration, special
credits should be given to Simone Rota who did the installation on and not only gave all components the same look, but also managed
to do it in a way which many browsers support:
Also, there are still a number of glitches and issues we're working on,
so expect minor problems throughout the next couple of days.
We're convinced that the new site is better in many ways than the old
one and have lots of ideas to improve it in the future (which only now
became possible, thanks to the more powerful wiki), and hope that you
see it the same way.
Best regards, Johannes
Johannes Winkelmann
Zurich, Switzerland
On Friday 24 February 2006 12:24, Mikhail Kolesnik wrote:
> It is trivial if there is no need to update glibc/binutils/gcc/etc, but
> what if we need to do so? What should be build first?
It's out of date, but I wrote a document on this a while ago. It can be found